
Medicines and Vaccines

 Medicines and Vaccines on Covid19 and Delta Mutations


At a technology-explosive era, the speed of innovation on both technology and virus production is going at so quick a pace that even the most advanced vaccines can't catch up with the mutations of the virus!


Many scientists have proven that vaccines do not solve the on-going pandemics.

Nobel Laureate Warns: COVID Vaccine is Creating Variants

https://uncoverdc.com/2021/08/23/nobel-laureate-warns-covid-vaccine-is-creating-variants /




So there should be diversified solutions on the complicated mutations of viruses.

An efficient and economic treatment based on Ivermectin drug has been proven to be effective, and widely adopted in the densely-populated country.


Home Ivermectin based kits in India


Indian people’s Ivermectin solution has been well proven, with infection cases reduced greatly , by more than 90%.  Furthermore, among the infected patients,  90% of the patients now needn’t be hospitalized, to add to the severe situation of tight resources of medical equipments besides additional risks of cross-infection in hospitals.  Instead, the simple Ivermectin-based medicine kits enable people to stay at home, isolated by themselves and recover their health smoothly.


In fact, even if there were NOT the Indian way of treatment, new solutions research and experiments by other people should be also encouraged, since the mutations of virus are too complicated to be totally solved by one or two brands of vaccines!  


To encourage the diversified solutions also complies with the so-called political correctness of "Democracy and Freedom" advocated by some elite on the main-stream medias. 


True diversification of cultures, vitality of innovations can't be simply protected by Ballot Democracy system, but by a strong system that respects Gun Rights and Human Rights.


Fortunately, the special constitution protected by Gun Rights still keeps strong vitality.  It awakes up more and more people to take action. 


When the majority of people see the universal principle of Gun Rights protecting Human Rights, a new civilization will emerge!  


大量的事实表明,Covid19病毒变异太快,Delta 变种病毒让疫苗效率大打折扣。 即使国际最先进的几个大品牌的疫苗(Pfizer, Moderna ) 也挡不住变异病毒的蔓延。


因此,多样化的解决方案应该得到积极的鼓励。 比如,印度因为物流设施比较落后,无法满足先进疫苗对于运输设备保持超低温环境的严苛要求,只好另外设法在大规模的药物试验中寻找解决方案,结果找到了 伊维菌素 为主打成份、适当搭配维生素CD 等配方的 高效方案,成功将感染病例大幅降低,降幅高达90%以上, 遏制住了疫情失控的危险局面。


中国大陆在胡温时代曾提倡过 包容异质思维 的“和谐社会”。 当代的“特色”社会主义虽然不再那么提倡 “包容”的胸怀了,但毕竟习一尊的 父辈 习仲勋本人就是大力追求 宪政民主的 著名人物, 他甚至在文革期间遭到严酷打压也没有放弃过光辉的追求。 而很多人曾经抱有极大的期待,也是因为“仲勋”光辉所产生的历史光环。


李文亮之后,大陆还是有部分医生、学者敢讲真话,比如 张文宏 医生就直接挑明:人类需要学会和病毒共存。


既然短期内无法消灭瘟疫病毒,意味着谁也说不准 群体感染会在 何时何地 爆发。 既然这样, 那就 非常有必要 “弘扬仲勋光辉”, 鼓励方案创新,尽可能找到一个科学的方案,

让社会免于 强制隔离的 恐慌 (科学方案让 90 % 的病例 居家 自我隔离,逐渐康复), 那么 新鲜的空气 就能够再次恢复, 社会气氛也会逐渐回归正常。


上述努力,不只是“弘扬仲勋光辉” 积极正能量 客观历史必要,更是和无数生灵的命运息息相关!!


