
When the internet is collapsed ….

When the internet is collapsed ….
What will happen if Hong Kong’s internet is collapsed?

If Hong Kong’s cyberspace is totally poisoned by the GFW virus, then it means Hong Kong’s internet would collapse to the atheism jungle level just like the situation in mainland, China. Since the crazy Hong Kong security law is much more brutal than the mainland, Chinese version, this possibility has to be considered by Hong Kong people.

In such case, the decentralized website of Zeronet https://zeronet.io/ will serve as a good solution for people to transmit revolutionary messages. With Bitcoin cryptography, the safety is higher than Telegram.  As an innovation of web technology, there's not any censorship, even NO SMS verification process is required as incurred on Telegram.  The new Peer-to-Peer data transmission will be a new tide of cyberspace revolution.

Users can make quasi-administrator’s customization of ZeroNet …
Full details are available at the below URL:
(Important note: The URL with the special beginning  should be opened by Zeronet App  https://zeronet.io/ ,  )

Another ZeroNet webpage for reference:
Liberate Hong Kong, Revolution of Our Time — New Approach to Hong Kong Peace Revolution
( 或者也可以在自由論壇交流,自由論壇的零網功能變數名稱ZyBBS.bit 更容易記住:

1) More details about Zeronet:
1.1) On ZeroNet, all webpages start with the special URL 
The code 43110 represents the port used for secure data transmission by Bitcoin-encrypted technology.
1.2) All zeronet webpages can be easily accessed, only after Zeronet app is launched on user’s equipment.
There’re different versions of Zeronet, for different system environments such as Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, etc.
Full details of which are available in the below URL

Please choose the version of Zeronet suitable for the system environment of your equipment.

Before visiting ZeroNet webpage
Zeronet app should be launched in your equipment at first.

As many people use computers of Windows system, so customized ZeroNet for Windows system has been shared by enthusiasts in the googledrive

download the file
ZeroNet-win-dist 003.rar
Unzip the RAR file,
then double click the file ZeroNet.exe under the unzipped folder " ZeroNet-win-dist 003” in your computer, ZeroNet will be launched. (the default homepage of ZeroNet) will be automatically opened by the default internet browser in your computer.

According to user’s feedback, firefox or Google Chrome browser may work better for some sophisticated functions on Zeronet, the default browser on Windows system such as Internet Explorer 10 or Internet Explorer 11 can still work well for simple browsing of messages on Zeronet.

2 条评论:

  1. 香港目前還沒有全面封鎖,估計多數人不會碰到障礙。
    在一些地區,因為網路不穩定,可能會有各種問題。文字頁面佔用的資料流程量比較少,只要有幾個節點(Peers)就足夠高效傳播文字資訊,比如使用零網軟體 (ZeroNet) 去打開 自由論壇
    Trackers announcing: 1, error: 9, done: 5
    Tracker connection error detected.
    Use Tor meek bridges for tracker connections
    這種情況下,應該使用網友分享的增強版本的ZeroNet 003 (在節點傳輸環節,有一些微調)。使用增強版本的,偶爾也會碰到錯誤提示,過一會兒,刷新一兩次頁面,基本上就可以。
    ( ...... 開頭的零網本機頁面,需要零網軟體流覽。零封鎖 https://zeronet.io/ 自由無國界!)

  2. 在網路封鎖比較嚴重的地區,有網友做過測試,想打開ZeroNet的視頻頁面
    Trackers announcing: 1, error: 9, done: 5
    Tracker connection error detected.
    Use Tor meek bridges for tracker connections
    ( ...... 開頭的零網本機頁面,需要零網軟體流覽。零封鎖 https://zeronet.io/ 自由無國界!)
