
A New Form of "Toilet Revolution"

A New Form of "Toilet Revolution"

Many serious crises occurred in China, including poisonous milk powder, polluted water, polluted air, etc.

In 2018, an unprecedented scandal of false vaccine was reported. The wide-scale report of the tremendous organized terrorism crime committed by the atheism regime in mainland China finally triggered the public fury into a series of massive-scale civilian movements. Toilet Revolution is one of them.  


The Restoration of America —The Dawn of A New Civilization!

The Restoration of America
The Dawn of A New Civilization!

1) The essence of American vitality
"Make America Great Again!"
It’s not just a slogan belonging to President Trump only. It’s a public consensus supported by the whole USA nation, also by the majority of mankind who firmly support the fundamental essence of modern civilization a Purified Civilization initially launched up by the Puritans centuries ago, who upgraded the medieval Christendom into modern civilization, by setting up a clearly-defined constitution that firmly protects human rights by gun rights.