
Hegemony of the Planet — Trumpism versus Xi-Fascism

Hegemony of the Planet

— Trumpism versus Xi-Fascism


At the end of 2019, big pandemics of Coronavirus broke out in CCP-occupied zone of mainland, China.  Many regions were hit seriously with wide-spread panic haunted in the society.  The CCP regime handled the pandemics in vicious means, and made it spread all over the world.


Since Trump Administration of 2016, America has made tremendous efforts to awaken up more and more allies on the imminent danger imposed by the CCP against the civilized world.


If there were NOT the disastrous pandemics, Donald Trump, an unconventional merchant with some peculiar skills on business dealing, would have become one of the greatest presidents in the history of America!

After the controversial 2020 Election, some policies by Trump Administration were changed, with some measures further strengthened, while many tactics were adjusted. 

 The influence by Donald Trump is great, and despite Donald Trump's controversial failure in 2020, many people respect Trump highly, and call Trump's influence as "Trumpism Revolutionary Tide". 


What's going on is a long-term war waged in complicated means on the planet. 


Some loopholes of the democracy system in the West have been utilized by CCP to intensify chaos in cyberspace and strengthen the spreading of the virus.


The Third World War has been going on for nearly two years, yet there’re some Americans who are seriously brainwashed by CCP polluted medias and therefore, still think that coronavirus is just a common flu.


So in-depth discussion on the topics may help awaken up more people in the West, to better protect themselves, and then better organize up together, to fight back more efficiently against expansion of the CCP virus.


There’re some well-experienced Chinese researchers who are analyzing a series of complicated phenomena, for example a special dialogue between Professor Lee Youtan and Mr Lee Yiping can give people enlightening ideas on the complicated situation. 


Some of the information would be helpful.




Here is a summary of their dialogue, with some special analysis by other Christian associates.


The so-called Chinese dream by Dictator Xi is simply to restore Emperor Qin’s jungle dictatorship thousands of years ago, with downright scorn of any morality in modern civilization.


Manmade disaster is much more terrible than the raging plague! The coronavirus pandemics also completely exposed the weakness of the jungle system besides the extreme cruelty of the CCP regime.

The manmade pandemics are much worse than a nationwide civil war, as it destroys the economy and the society, besides people’s morality.


When the pandemics seriously hit America and Europe, Dictator Xi found that there are serious loopholes in the West, for the government elected by people dare not take resolute and brutal lockdown measures as were savagely carried out in the atheism China. 


So the CCP regime believe that the Coronavirus pandemics may help them achieve Xi's dream of Hegemony to Rule the whole planet like the Emperor of Qin Dynasty thousands of years ago, for Qin Dynasty is highly similar to the CCP style of dictatorship they didn't respect any individual's human rights and killed many people just like killing ants!


Professor Lee Youtan's comparison of CCP as the savage jungle of Qin Dictatorship looks very interesting.  So Mr Lee Yiping said that it's appropriate to honor Donald Trump as a great warrior just like Xiang Yu, while the sophisticated means of political maneuver as exhibited by Joe Biden are a little similar to the crafty strategy taken by Liu Bang.  Both Xiang Yu and Liu Bang were influential leaders at the end of Qin Dynasty.  Through great efforts of many armies under their leadership, the brutal Qin Dynasty was eventually overturned by people!


Two thousand years ago, there was NO liberalism democracy protected by a powerful system that protects human rights by gun rights.  So the brave warrior Xiang Yu was eventually killed by the more crafty leader Liu Bang, who created a prosperous Han Dynasty that lasted for more than 400 years.  It’s during Han Dynasty that the Confucianism culture was greatly promoted.  Nowadays, fine Confucianism culture has totally disappeared on the atheism land of CCP-occupied zones. 


But the genuine fine traditions of Confucianism that emphasize Benevolence, Rectitude, Etiquette, Wisdom and Faith are still well observed by many people in Taiwan, and that's part of the reason why Taiwan could make unusual achievements in either pandemics control or scientific innovations!


After a peculiar withdrawal of military from Afghanistan, more disputes occurred. Despite a big chaos of rights and wrongs in the cyberspace, there're still some honorable military leaders who haven't lost their minds yet.



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Some people are worried about more troubles on the way.  The peculiar withdrawal from Afghanistan showed that Joe Biden might be proficient with domestic power maneuver, but not so competent like the crafty Liu Bang when fighting against the most vicious regime on the planet.


Mr Lee Yiping reminds people that there might be some incompetent presidents in America’s history, but America could still move forward since it’s not a totalitarianism system which could be distorted totally by the top-rank leader single-handedly.


Professor Lee Youtan would like to suggest that some similar operation with Chinese think-tank be kept by the Joe Biden administration, just like a special team of think-tanks featured with the brave and clever Chinese scholar Miles Yu (Yu Mao Chuan)  under Pompeo's leadership. 


What the CCP fear most is that more and more Chinese people can be awakened up and rebel against the Fake CCP regime which is an insult of Xi Jin Ping's father Mr Xi Zhong Xun as well, since Mr Xi Zhong Xun was indeed a great warrior who fought persistently for the conceptual idea of freedom as promised in the constitution of the traditional CCP’s pursuit.


So some of Miles Yu’s strategies indeed made the CCP crazily infuriated and terrified, as those strategies emphasize differentiation of the CCP from ordinary Chinese people.  The CCP were so furiously irritated by Miles Yu's tactics that they destroyed Miles Yu's father’s tomb in China.



There’re still some atheism CCP officials who are seriously affected by traditional Chinese astrology that emphasizes the influence of one’s ancestor’s tomb on an individual's luck of success.


What those CCP officials don’t know is that more blessings of luck are endowed by God in a spiritual way.  If a devilish dictator doesn't cherish his own people’s lives and wealth, even if he can build a more luxurious tomb mound than Dictator Xi’s father Xi Zhong Xun’s memorial tomb, or a more expensive tomb than the first Emperor of Qin Dynasty, the devil is still doomed to collapse and be discarded like the rubbish of history!


For the convenience of communication, ideas on some other flexible tactics are presented as well.


To Accelerate the CCP’s Collapse

When you surround an army, leave an outlet free. Do not press a desperate foe too hard. Such is the art of warfare.


The Art of War — Sun Tzu


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From the phenomena , it can be seen that the Biden Administration indeed made some efforts on rallying up a big team of allies to support America's fighting against the CCP's expansion and invasion by coronavirus.


If those efforts are indeed meant to revitalize America's fine culture, then further efforts can be made to accelerate the collapse of the CCP, such as establishing a system of International Whistleblower or Crime Exposure Act, to encourage more people who know the inside stories of the true situation to imitate the brave example set by Chinese Doctor Lee Wen Liang who simply exposed the crimes of the dangerous virus by a good doctor’s conscience. , without the intention on obtaining either the secular fame as a "Hero" or other physical interest in this over-entertaining age with over-flooding IT games polluting the mental world of many people all over the world! 


It's easy to see the necessity of a special legislation on International Whistleblower or Crime Exposure Act.  The details should be decided by law experts.


Based on analysis of many events, some Christian associates like to suggest a few points as below.


According to some netizens' feedback, in 2020, China's former vice minister of public security, Sun Lijun indeed had some strong ideas to expose the crimes of the CCP on the Bio-weapon production, but due to many crime activities participated by Sun Lijun himself, he hesitated for too long until it’s too late to take action.  Much of his hesitance was caused by the event of Wang Lijun’s failure in 2012, as the former Chongqing police chief was eventually rejected by America’s consulate in Chengdu, which was on the territory of the CCP and could be easily besieged by them.



Similarly, in 2018, another hooligan leader in the CCP regime, named Meng Hong Wei, who was former Intepol President, once worked and lived in France, which made it more convenient for him to escape from CCP’s persecution.


But hooligan Meng also hesitated too much, mainly because there’re too many crime activities committed by himself, partially due to other complicated factors such as Wang Lijun's failure in 2012, and Donald Trump’s over pride on his personal friendship with Dictator Xi, since at that time Coronavirus didn’t invade America yet and President Trump indeed never cared much about a tough fighting against the CCP until the Covid19 broke out in 2020, and seriously hit America just as it hit the Chinese people!


So the major goal of the International Whistleblower or Crime Exposure Act is to encourage people to bravely rebel against the brutal CCP jungle system.

Some provisions may go as follows.

a) Strong support will be provided by international community to those people who bravely fight back against the jungle dictatorship.

For whistleblowers who are able to escape CCP’s territory (like Meng Hong Wei’s case in France), they needn't worry about death-threatening danger, as strong measures will be provided by America and its allies.

b) For some people who might have committed crimes against humanity in the past, they will be exempted from death penalty if they can provide significant evidence of those terrorist gang's crimes.

c) For people who didn't join in the crimes and are brave enough to take the whistleblower action like Chinese Doctor Lee Wen Liang, besides strong support on security measures, there'll be awards to encourage their brave deeds. 

d) When necessary and mutually agreed upon by the parties concerned, those whistleblowers' brave deeds can be reported by medias, to promote the heroic spirit, and to encourage more people to fight back against the jungle dictatorship system!


In short, this is an unusual period of history. So unconventional methods should be adopted, to accelerate the collapse of the atheism jungle dictatorship of the fake CCP in East Asia. 



You and I have a rendezvous with destiny. We'll preserve for our children this, the last best hope of man on earth, or we'll sentence them to take the last step into a thousand years of darkness!


When more and more people join in the bright course, it's possible to see a new tide of Puritanism Resurrection emerge in America, accompanied with the glorious tide of freedom that government of the people, by the people and for the people, shines eternally on the planet!


