
Crisis and Challenges — A Reminding Campaign


Crisis and Challenges

A Reminding Campaign

  Crisis and Challenges on a New Type of War


America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.”

Abraham Lincoln

Twitter 'permanently suspends' Trump's account


Trump social media: Twitter suspends account sharing ex-president's posts



Various abnormal phenomena show that a new type of warfare is highly possible going on the way.  


Pompeo-led effort to hunt down Covid lab theory shut down by Biden administration over concerns about quality of evidence



The speed of innovation on both technology and virus production is going at so quick a pace that even the most advanced system of Rule of Law seems weak and inefficient.  It may be a very lengthy process to prove that the virus comes from lab. 


This itself means that a Bio-weaon war already occurred long time ago, yet many people still wasted months and years of time on the procedures to verify whether the virus comes from lab or derives in nature!

Maybe due to the influence by crazy mutations of virus, some medical corporations have mutated to be money-making machines.


Trump dismisses COVID-19 booster shots as a 'money-making operation' for Pfizer



Various phenomena show that America is already downgraded to semi-jungle status. There is only one step distance from the hell jungle situation in East Asia.


Why Donald Trump dared not resort to Martial Law to seriously punish those betrayers?

In fact, what Hillary Clinton and other opponents of Donald Trump fear most is NOT the individual of Donald Trump, whether as a merchant, or a merchant-minded president. What they fear most is the powerful Constitution of America that is established on the basis of Gun Rights to protect individuals’ human rights.


If there were NOT such a powerful constitution protected by the system that respects Gun Rights and Human Rights, Donald Trump might face similar destiny like Dictator Xi Jin Ping’s opponent Bo Xi Lai, who has been jailed for years after his political failure.


The Covid19 pandemics is highly possible a new type of warfare an integration of both a bioweapon war and information war. The war is not only between West Civilization and the CCP-dominated atheism land of China, it’s also between elite betrayers in the West who like to copy the CCP dictatorship to execute a highly-efficient and crazily-brutal jungle dictatorship system against ordinary netizens in the West Civilization.

There’s still some information transparency kept in the West, mainly due to the Gun Rights system that still keeps some energy of America’s constitution.


If people don’t cherish the special system that keeps modern civilization for hundreds of years, the situation may further deteriorate, until the majority of ordinary citizens and military soldiers could not tolerate the rampant corruption.

However, this process itself means more and more people will be killed either by the virus or the jungle system.


Alpha, Beta, Delta, Delta Plus, Lambda, besides the latest Epsilon strain that can defeat vaccines


TV host who is fully vaccinated reveals she caught Delta variant


There can be unlimited mutations of the coronavirus, which will not end before a significant change is made in East Asia.


Distorted media information can be dangerous traps against both adult and children.


Nobel Laureate Luc Montagnier said that the current vaccines are accelerating the mutations of virus, so massive scale vaccination is not wise. 





The mutations of virus are too complicated. The most advanced vaccines may not work reliably. 


At this unusual stage of history,

the best patriotic action is to awaken up your friends and family members, to enhance their vigilance, so as to keep better survival.  

Besides prudence against over-quick expansion of massive vaccination activities,  people should avoid frequent travelling or party gatherings at the time of pandemics.


In practice, it's difficult for young people (especially teenagers) to understand the highly-abnormal phenomena. However, after repeated efforts, once people are awakened up, they'd get a new outlook of the world, and cultivate up stronger mind against various traps of internet games and media traps.


You and I have a rendezvous with destiny. We'll preserve for our children this, the last best hope of man on earth, or we'll sentence them to take the last step into a thousand years of darkness.


When more and more people join in the bright course, it's possible to see a new tide of Puritanism Resurrection emerge in America, accompanied with the glorious tide of freedom that government of the people, by the people and for the people, shines eternally on the earth! 

