
Why you must wear a mask?


Why you must wear a mask?
As some of you know that I have chosen to spend some of my time doing the impossible task on trying to study the brain and understand how it works. As you may already know that our 4 lb. brain controls everything we do and yet there are no solid connections like a computer.

Today I want to share with you how we detect odor. See picture below.

Every time we go to the bathroom and have a BM(Bowel Movement), some of the molecules that once was in our colon is now in our brain! Yaks!! A mask may help some!
Similarly, disease (Covid 19) is an airborne virus and is transmitted through the air. A mask will stop it from becoming part of your brain! Because it is a virus, it grows inside your nose and brain, that’s why one of the early symptoms is the lost of smells and taste.
同样,新冠病毒(Covid 19)是空气游离病毒,通过空气传播。口罩会阻止它,不让它跑到您大脑里面!因为它是一种病毒,它会在您的鼻子和大脑中复制、生长,这就是为什么感染病毒的早期症状之一就是 嗅觉和味觉丧失 的原因。
Please share this info. With your friends! A mask is our best defense against this disease.

By the way, a cloth mask can be clean and reuse in the microwave oven for 2 minutes.
Be sure that there are no metal parts in it or you will start a fire.
You can also wash it in a washer dryer with hot water and detergent. So be safe and wear a mask to protect yourself and others!
God Bless,
Dr. Lee
请确保布料口罩里面没有任何金属零件,否则将引起火灾。 您也可以用热水在洗碗机里面加洗涤剂清洗。


