
A legendary story …


Below is a legendary story of a scientist who has a peculiar experience of being converted to Christendom from an atheist.

Intelligent Design 1 (our amazing brain)

The more I learn about science, however, the more I realized how much that I do not know!
Looking at the wonders of nature, one must ask the question: all these things evolve from nothing or by “intelligent design”

For example: Our brain is one of the most studied subjects in the world. In recent years, we have developed tools that allow us to measure all the activities of the brain and know which part is responsible for what function, yet, we still don’t know how it works. For example: The brain weights less than 4 pounds and yet it uses 20% of our blood. It contains 100 billion neurons, one thousand trillion synapses, more than all the stars in our galaxy! How do they fit into a 4 pound brain and all worked together? Tell me if you can.
Here are a few simple examples:

1. Our amazing brain (mental integration)

Try this experiment with me: Turn on your TV set and watch a program. Now, block your right eye with a book held a few inches from the right eye that completely blocks out the TV images.
Now open both eyes, you can see right through the book! Amazing!! Now, with both eye open, you can also read the book! How? The brain can integrate and understand the information from both eyes and put the pictures together mentally. Incredible!
Now, try another experiment, put your opened hand in front of your nose and separate your two eyes. You see different pictures with each eye. Yet if you open both eyes, you see the whole picture as if the hand were not there. Amazing! This is called “mental integration.” Your brain or mind can put the two different

pictures together as one! And you can judge distance (parallax) as well.
There is a movie called: “The Winning Team” starring Ronald Reagan, before he became our president. It is a story about the famous baseball pitcher Grover Cleveland Alexander, he was doing very well until he got hit on the head with a baseball and experienced “double vision”. He lost his “mental integration”. He saw two pictures with his eyes and could no longer pitch. Fortunately, he regained his “mental integration” after some rests and was able to finish his wonderful career! If you have not seen this picture, get the DVD or watch it on You-tube. (Co-star with Doris Day!) Well worth watching!

2. Hunters and prey

Have you ever noticed that animals that are hunters have their eyes in front (e.g.: humans, Lions, tigers, dogs, eagles and owls), while the prey animals (cows horses, deer, birds have their eyes on the side of their heads.)
Side eye placement allows for greater peripheral or side vision. This enables the animal to see predators approaching from the side as well as from behind. That is why it is extremely hard to sneak up on a bird.
It is interesting to note that the birds can see everything (almost 360 degrees) via mental integration, but how do they judge distances? I saw a sparrow flying very fast toward a fence; I thought for sure it would hit it. Yet, when it got close, it flapped its wings backwards and stop and landed on the fence. How does a bird judge distance? Do you know?
Answer: It does this task by moving its head constantly from side to side or up and down to get depth perception. Amazing!
It is even more amazing to know that all that beautiful flying and coordinated maneuvers are done and controlled by electrical impulses from a little brain no bigger than a bean.
Please take a little time and read why I chose “Intelligent Design “.

My MIT Years

Throughout my first five years at MIT, (’51 to ‘56), I was a confirmed atheist. Many Christians have tried to witness to me, but none succeeded. I was very牙刷 (toothbrush – in Cantonese, it means one is a know-it-all, very proud of himself). I was also taught while I was in China, that a man should be 顶天立地 (standing on earth with head hitting the sky).
I encountered many religious zealots before I became a believer. They had a lot of zeal but not much knowledge. They tried to tell me about the “Star of Bethlehem” in the Christmas story. They insisted an actual star shone on the city itself. I told them “That’s nonsense!”
First of all, where did this star come from? What galaxy? What magnitude? Indeed, if a star came that close to earth, the gravitational pull and the heat would cause the earth to explode. Furthermore, the light from the star could not be focused into a beam (that was pre-laser days) and shine only on Bethlehem alone like a spotlight. This kind of scientific ignorance had a negative effect on me and stopped me from looking at Christianity for many years.
In graduate school, I discovered a shocking truth: the more I learned, the more I knew that I did not know! Even today, each new discovery leads me to a deeper mystery.
Though science has made tremendous strides, we are usually stuck when we ask a few basic questions such as:
Q: Why is the grass green? A: Because it contains chlorophyll. Q: Why chlorophyll? A: It is needed to convert carbon dioxide into oxygen. It is part of our ecosystem. Q: Why? A: It just is.
Many people believed that we came from a “big bang”!
The world was filled with hydrogen, the first element. The gravity compressed the hydrogen and a “Big Bang” occurred. That’s how all the other elements and the universe was formed!
Wait a minute, where did the hydrogen and gravity came from? Tell me if you know.
Before my graduation, someone posed me two challenges:

  1. Study the hummingbird, Bob. You know aerodynamics, mechanics, control, and navigation, but can you build a hummingbird? Do you believe that nothing built it?
  2. What is the most powerful thing on Earth?An idea! Look around. Nothing built by people is ever started without first having an idea. Can you weigh it, measure it, see it, or define it? However, ideas exist. Now, look at all the wonderful things, living or not, around the world. Someone made them, whether you can see it or not!

After earning my master’s degree, I was offered an excellent job in the research division at Honeywell in the aeronautical division in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
I did well in my work. Yet, my life felt empty. Some unknown things were missing. I was challenged by these questions: What is truth? What makes something right or wrong? What is the meaning and purpose of my life? Is tomorrow just more food and drink and work? I felt like a person all dressed up with no place to go. I hunted for the answer to four important questions:

  1. Is anybody up there?
  2. Does anyone care?
  3. Why am I here?
  4. Where am I going?

WhenI foundGodin 1956,I wasa bachelor. An older engineer tried to witness to me. I again out argued him. He threw a book at me and said: “If you are so smart, tell me how this is done! “
It wasa bookthatpresentedpicturesof a baby’sdevelopmentfromweektoweekpriortobirth. Unfortunately, that old book can no longer be found, however, we can get some up to date pictures from Google.

In the 9th week, the baby is fully formed, it weighs just one ounce!

From the study of biology, I knew about sperm and egg cells. Once they unite, the fertilized egg cell starts dividing the way all cells do. However, how did some of those cells become the liver, kidneys, brain, skin, and bones?
Furthermore, how does the baby know the correct areas to place these organs in the body and connected them, so they work together properly? Do you know that the baby’s heart starts beating at the fifth week after conception, and there’s no blood yet to pump? We did not know much about genes and DNA in 1956. Today we know much more about them, and yet the mystery deepens. (See “The Language of God” by Dr. Francis S. Collins. Director of NIH (National Institute of Health) - He turned from an atheist to a believer by studying the human genes and DNA).
As a scientist and aircraft mechanic, I knew how to build an airplane. One must carefully design it, build the parts, and fit them together carefully. One must connect all the wirings and test them to make sure that they work together.
How does a baby know to do that? Some well-meaning Christian friend told me the Bible says: “We’re wonderfully made.” And then he quoted me the scripture: “For you (God) created my inmost being, you knit me together in my mother’s womb” Psalm 139:13.
Ha! There had to be a good scientific explanation. I started my investigation.
After much study, I finally have to say: “Lord, I surrender!

I got off my high horse and opened my mind to studying the Bible. By chance, (now I call it Divine Providence), I was invited to a Chinese Christian Fellowship meeting by my friend Fred Shaw (Hsiao). CCF was started by an old widow, Mrs. Torjeson. Her husband, a missionary to China, was killed by the Japanese during World War II. Mrs. Torjeson single-handedly and successfully raised four small children while starting this organization. Though she was a slightly built, poor widow, she was a tower of strength. Largely through her efforts and love, and that of others in her organization, I was challenged with questions and found my answers in the Bible.
Someone once said that the Bible is an acronym for:

Basic Information Before Leaving Earth. Interesting!

Once I opened my mind and heart, I made my peace with God and started my spiritual journey and adventure. Countless Chinese students from the university also discovered Christianity at the same place. Truly, what Mrs. Torjeson did will echo loudly in eternity!

One question lingered: If there was a God, why did he let bad things happen? Why are there cancers, diseases, and crimes that kill good people?
The Bible gave us the truth. God gave us a free will, and we make our own choices and suffer the consequences. We also suffer the consequences of other people’s poor decisions to commit crimes, pollute the environment, oppress others, or abuse power. For example, the best Christian will still be killed if he chooses to fire a pistol to his head. Similarly, the likelihood of diseases is increased if he keeps eating unhealthy food and drinking unhealthy liquids. (like soda)
Once I opened my mind and heart, I made my peace with God and started my spiritual journey and adventure. Countless Chinese students from the university.
God never promised that the sky will always be blue, and life will be smooth sailing after one becomes a Christian. He does promise to be with us throughout life’s storms if we remain faithful. Furthermore, everything physical in nature dies and has the formula for renewal built in. However, the human soul and spirit, like an idea, have no shape and form, cannot be destroyed, and will continue into eternity with Him by His Grace!
I also learned that we live in two worlds: the visible (physical), three-dimensional world and the invisible (spiritual), multidimensional world. The physical world is composed of what we experience with our five senses. The invisible world is composed of our knowledge, wisdom, character, integrity, faith, hope, love, fear, worry, greed, frustration, anxiety, peace, spirit, and soul. If God is in it, it goes to infinity!
We design our successes in the (invisible) spiritual world,
We build them in the physical world.
I was reminded by a verse in the following poem, A Psalm of Life by Longfellow.
Life is real! Life is earnest!
And the grave is not its goal.
“Dust thou art, to dust returnest,”
was not spoken of the soul.

When I studied the Bible, I was in awe of the life of Jesus. Despite being born in an obscure town and with no formal education, his teachings, in only three years, changed the world.
The life of Jesus is a miracle. No one in history has ever achieved so much with so little. When one studies the Bible, one is impressed with his life. One is faced with a choice. Either Jesus is the Son of God as he claimed, or he is a madman. His claim leaves no room for in between.
God may choose to save our bodies if he wishes, as evidenced by the stories in the Bible. He performed numerous miraculous healings. However, his main mission was and is to save souls.
The Bible says, “All of us have sinned and come short of the glory of God.”
Jesus said, “That which proceeds out of the heart (soul) of man defiles the man.” In other words, God examines the heart (soul) and sees if it is pure. If it is not, He alone can cleanse it.
God’s plan of salvation gives our souls a bath by cleaning it with the blood of Christ through faith.
At first, I had problems accepting it because I thought it was too simple. I asked: “Why?”
However, after much contemplations, my answer is: “Why not?”
I realized that if God, with His infinite intelligence, wants to communicate with people, He must address us in the simplest terms, so all people can understand and benefit from it. It is like giving a portable radio to a small child for the first time. All he has to do is turn the knob to hear the sound. Understanding electricity and electromagnetic theory is not required.
Likewise, by the simple exercise of faith in Christ, our spirits can be connected to His, and His spirit will live within us! It is incredible, but true.
Some skeptics say, “Prove it.”
My answer is, “Come and see, and experience it yourself.” When I first came to America in 1950, it was just a spot in the world map, but when my plane landed in California, it became a reality! Similarly, I did not know where MIT was, and I couldn’t even spell Massachusetts. I was told that it is the best school for Aeronautical Engineering. If I had demanded to know everything about it before I agreed to go there, I would have missed a golden opportunity.
Now, God has already given us a free ticket to the Kingdom of God while we are on this earth. All we do is accept the gift by faith. God gives us a free choice. You can take it or reject it.
Don’t Gamble on your eternity!

( Does faith really work? See “Intelligent design 2” “on my Christian walk” .)

Intelligent Design 2

If my first article did not bored you, here are some more examples of Intelligent Design :

1. “The miracle of an egg”

I just had a hardboiled egg for breakfast. It reminds me of this story that happened to me long ago. While I was a little boy growing up in China. We lived on a farm. One morning, I had a hard-boiled egg for breakfast. I marveled how this egg became a chicken when the hen sat on it. When no one was looking, I stole an egg from under the hen and cracked it. It was too early, and the chick has not formed yet. An elder want to spank me for taking a life!! My mother knew that I have a curious mind and let me go. I just could not understand at the time how a hen sitting on the egg and gave it life!
It was not until I was in high school and took a course in biology that I found out that the rooster was involved. I asked my teacher: “Which part of the egg becomes the chicken and which part becomes the feathers? He just shook his head and walked away. (He didn’t know.)
There is an American saying that “curiosity kills the cat”! Good thing that it is not true. Otherwise, I won’t be here writing to you now.
By the way, I just got educated again by going online into “google” and investigated “how do chicken develop from an egg”? It is utterly amazing! There are many videos showing the day to day development of the chick inside the egg. The process is unbelievable.
Do you know that the chicken has almost every part that we have and then some! For example, it has a gizzard that we do not have, which enables it to digest seeds. Furthermore, I just learned from Google that neither the egg yolk nor the egg white becomes the chick, they were just built-in nutrition to feed the chick embryo inside. Amazing!!
Another miracle: Just before the egg is laid, a thin calcium shell is perfectly formed to protect the egg. It uses 2 grams of calcium and take the hen 20 hours to make it. It also has a build-in air pocket for the embryo. Crack a hardboiled egg and note that the bottom is flat. (Columbus knew this and it was this knowledge that enable him to win a bet by making a hardboiled egg standing on its end.)
The shell is just thick enough to protect the egg and yet thin enough to let the chick inside to break the shell and get air and get out!! How does the hen know how to do that? It is unbelievable that the simple egg is a perfect incubator. All the hens need is to provide some warm. See many videos on Google.

2. The miracle of an ant:

Anatomy of an ant
While I was an atheist, I wondered why evolution chose such and impossible way for ants to reproduce. Why do they evolved to have to mate in flight???
Look at the amazing ant’s anatomy! It has almost all the parts we have and then some (antenna). I often wondered why insects have compound eyes? Answer: to an insect, everything of larger or equal size is an enemy. It does not matter if it is a human being, a dog or anything else. Compound eyes can sense light almost 360 degrees. If many cells are activated, it is an enemy to be avoided. Note that the compound eyes cannot focus but acts more like an early warning radar than an eye.
Another amazing fact is that ants has no reproductive organs. Only the queen ants and special males (drones) have them. If every ant can reproduce, the earth will be filled with ants!!
The amazing fact is that the queen ant has wings, the male ants are called drones also have wings. They mated in flight!!!
After the mating, the males die, and the queen ant loses its wing and start to lay up to 30,000 eggs and build a new colony. (If I am the queen ant, I will never want to lose my wings! What a blessing to be able to fly!)
Ants have elbow-shaped antennae attached to the front of their heads. The shape allows the ants to move the antennae both in front of and from side to side. Ants use their antennae to smell, feel, and touch. They can also use the antennae to communicate with other ants.
I used to wonder what the purpose of an ant is, until I saw them carrying the parts of dead insects into their nest! Ha! They are nature’s clean-up crew.
Do you know that ants have a special clean-up crew of their own to remove their own wastes? Yes! Furthermore, this clean-up crew are allowed to eat from the common food storage, but they are not allowed to carry food into the nest. (sanitary reasons? How do ants know that?)

After studying the ants, one cannot help but to wonder what evolves into ants! This have to be an intelligent design! God made them!!

My testimonies: (continue)
Does faith really work? Can it really move mountains? In what follows, I am going to share with you my own experiences. Please do not think that I am bragging, I am just being thankful for His leading and blessings.
“Call on me in times of trouble, I will rescue you, and you will honor me.” Psalm 50:15 (GW)

My Christian Walk
After I became a Christian, in 1957 I married my wife, who is also a fine Christian woman. We started tithing. We thought life would be smooth sailing from then on. Unfortunately, our big test came just three months later.
“Black Thanksgiving” came just before Christmas that same year. The large contract the company had won—the B-70 super bomber project—was abruptly cancelled. A massive layoff ensued. Every engineer who had worked with the company less than eighteen months was let go.
With only fourteen months of work in the company, I got a pink slip. I thought I did very well in my research, received a patent, and had excellent results. I could not understand how this could happen. It was so unfair! My hope of a promising career was dashed to bits.
We remembered the verse Philippians 4:6 in the Bible:
Be anxious for nothing,
but in everything by prayer and supplication,
with thanksgiving, let your request be made known to God.

We decided to “let go and let God” and committed our problem to God through prayer.

Then, a series of miracles happened that again gave me a “new tomorrow.”

A couple of days after my layoff, the chief engineer in engineering asked if I would like to work for him in the “Advanced Development Department”. He told me that he wanted me in their department since my first interview with the company, but the research department had the first choice. I jumped at the chance. I was assigned to design the control system for the MISS project, which stands for: Man In Space Soonest (a terrible acronym). It was the forerunner of the Mercury Space Project. This eventually led to the company being awarded the Gemini and Apollo projects. I’m not claiming credit for all these developments. It took a team of engineers to accomplish that. However, having a chance to be a pioneer in this area was an honor and a real blessing.

After the MISS project, I was put in charge of the flight-test program of the Adaptive Control System, which I had invented in the research department. The company was awarded a US patent for it. This system was successfully flight-tested on a F94C fighter and eventually helped to win a multimillion-dollar contract for the X-15 experimental space plane.

Even though I was a naturalized US citizen, I could not get security clearance because I had lived in China as a teenager, and my background couldn’t be checked as many papers were lost during wartime. As a result, I couldn’t work on important projects for the US Air Force. Fortunately, both Senator Humphrey and a Minnesota Congressional Representative recognized my contribution to the company and introduced special bills on my behalf. I was granted security clearance by an Act of Congress. Wow! What a country! This act would open up another “new tomorrow” for me, to work for the Aerospace Corporation many years later on top-secret aerospace projects.
In 1961, I wanted to return to MIT for my doctorate. I was offered a half-time job by the Raytheon Company near MIT, a strong competitor of Honeywell. The pay was much better than that of the research assistant from the school; furthermore, they would also pay for my tuition, books, and moving expenses. Wow!
When I try to tender my resignation to Honeywell in order to accept Raytheon’s offer, my boss said, “Over my dead body!” He said to wait for him to work something out.
A week later, I was granted an education leave from Honeywell at full salary. All I had to do was (1) return during vacations and summer to consult on the ongoing projects and (2) work part-time for the Boston division on the Optimal Control Project. They also paid for my tuition and moving expenses. Wow!

We couldn’t believe this unexpected miracle would last. As soon as we found a place to stay, my wife found a job at the registrar’s office at the Harvard University. We lived on her salary and put my entire paycheck into savings, a truly unbelievable blessing!
On November 29, 1963, I was given the most precious Christmas gift. My one and only daughter, Doreen, was born. The timing couldn’t have been better. Working on a doctoral program at MIT was extremely demanding. She arrived when my thesis was finished, and we could devote our time to caring for her and enjoying her.
In early 1964, my doctoral thesis, “Optimal Estimation, Identification, and Control,” was accepted and surprisingly was selected to be published by the MIT Press as the twenty-eighth research monograph (MIT selects one or two outstanding doctoral dissertations to be published as a research monograph each year.) This was an unexpected honor.
As one drinks water, always think of the source.
—Chinese Proverb

In that spirit, I want to thank Dr. Y. T. Li, my thesis advisor at MIT, for his direction and guidance. A special thank you and acknowledgement is made to Dr. Yu-Chi Ho, Gordon McKay Professor of engineering at Harvard University, a good friend and a wonderful teacher, for his patience in helping me through the threshold of modern control theory.

In the beginning of that book, I also wrote:
Prayer of Thanksgiving
Before God, all men are equally foolish,
for we cannot comprehend all the infinite mysteries surrounding us.
If there is a grain of wisdom in this work,
may it be to His glory,
For He alone has provided me with this splendid opportunity for learning:
Wonderful parents, teachers, and friends, a harmonious home, excellent health,
and strength ever sufficient from day to day.
—Dr. Robert Lee
Many people asked if this prayer was appropriate for a scientific book.
“Why not?” I said. I was truly thankful for all the miracles in my life, and I’m very grateful for them.
Dr. Albert Einstein said,

“There are only two ways to live your life.

One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”
I choose the latter.
A year after my graduation, I was offered a dream job at the Aerospace Corporation, the think-tank for the air force. I worked on large rockets such as the Titan II and Titan III space boosters, the Gemini space program, and top-secret satellite projects.

In 1968, I was offered a tenured professorship at the University of California in Irvine (UCI). We moved to Orange County and another “new tomorrow” dawned.
Miracles continued in my life. A notable honor was being selected to serve as an elder in the church that became the Crystal Cathedral. I was privileged to participate in the building decisions of the Crystal Cathedral. I learned first-hand the strength of the founder, Dr. Robert H. Schuller, a great leader and man of faith who overcame many impossible odds.
That’s why, when given the opportunity to help translate Dr. Schuller’s book, Move Ahead with Possibility Thinking, into the new Mao script (modern simplified Chinese), I jumped at the chance. The book was published in Hong Kong and has sold several million copies in Hong Kong and China. As this was a nonprofit venture, the profits from the book sales were reinvested in translating other Christian books into Chinese.
Please do not think I am bragging. I am truly amazed and thankful that God allowed the six-year-old whose life the missionaries saved long ago to begin to bear fruit for His kingdom and to give something back.
As my pastor, Dr. Schuller often said, “Any fool can count the seeds in an apple; only God can count the apples from one seed.”
Looking back, I can see now that my whole career really began with that “lay-off” in 1957. So, when you face life’s storms, keep your faith. Above the storm, the sun is always shinning.
Surprisingly, after I became a Christian, I encountered the question of the “Star of Bethlehem” again. I explained it this way. Suppose God said to the three kings, “I’ll send a helicopter ahead. You follow its searchlight.” No problem. Do you think God, Maker of the universe, could make a searchlight without a helicopter? Imagine our ancestors who saw and recorded this event more than two thousand years ago. They saw a guiding light. It was not the sun. It was not the moon, and therefore, it must have been a star. There’s no error in the Bible, just our interpretation of it.
Did God really do that? I don’t know, but it is very plausible.
One need not use a butcher's axe for an ox, to kill a chicken.
—A Chinese Proverb

I do not believe that God, with His infinite intelligence, needed to go through all the trouble of moving a physical star from some distant galaxy just to produce a little beam of light.
The point I make is that the Bible deals with the human spirit and the soul, the invisible world. Science is simply an organized way for us to use our God-given abilities to study the physical world and understand the mysteries of God.

Many famous men of science and respected philosophers also believe in God.

Among them are: Isaac Newton, Nicholas Copernicus, Johannes Kepler, Galileo Galilei, Michael Faraday, Louis Pasteur, Albert Einstein.
Among Albert Einstein’s quotes are:
“I want to know His thoughts; the rest are details”.
“Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind.”
There are also more than fifty Nobel Prize winners in science who believe in God. Google them. There is also a website, www.asa3.org, where you can find more information.
Recently, another famous scientist, Dr. Francis Collins (MD and PhD) turned from atheism to Christianity. He is the current director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). He recentlywrote a book, “The Language of God,” that document his study of the complexity and wonders of the human genome and his subsequent conversion from atheism to Christianity.
Finally, I want to mention one of my heroes, a fellow rocket engineer and scientist and founder of astronautics, Dr. Werner Von Braun, (1912 to 1977). He was responsible for the design and realization of the V-2 rocket for Germany during World War II. After the war, he helped the US launch its first satellite using its Jupiter C rocket. He was also the chief architect of the Saturn V launch vehicle, which propelled the Apollo spacecraft to the moon. He was also a firm believer in God.
I believe that one of the reasons that all these outstanding people found faith in God is not only for the forgiveness of sin but for their inner peace with God. It frees us from anxiety, guilt, depression as well as a negative self-image! The stress flows out as salvation flows in. These scientists found their purpose, mission and passion for life. They knew that as our physical body ebbs away, our spiritual body continues to grow. We must learn about our Creator – the Light of the world.
“I am the light of the world, whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the light of Life!” John 8:12

At this point, if you would like to join this group of friends, just accept God’s invitation:
Behold, I stand at the door and knock.
If anyone hears my voice and opens the door,
I will come into him and dine with him and he with me.
—Revelations 3:20

All you have to do is open your heart and invite him in as your personal Savior and friend. Join a Bible-believing church, study the Bible, and grow in your faith.
On the other hand, if you’re still skeptical, but not stubborn, take this advice from the Time Magazine’s Man of the Century - Albert Einstein:
Condemnation (rejection) without investigation is the height of ignorance.
Please make your own investigation.I suggest you begin with the four gospels in the New Testament of the Bible.
Then read the following books:

  1. The Purpose-Driven Lifeby Rick Warren, a number one best-seller that examines the question, “What on earth am I here for?”
  2. The Case for Christ by Lee Strobel. Lee is a lawyer and journalist. He also was an atheist and a spiritual skeptic. His many books document his search for God and examines the evidence from an investigative lawyer’s viewpoint.
  3. Mere Christianityand many other books by C. S. Lewis, a brilliant Oxford University professor, who made a similar journey. His book, Mere Christianity, remains one of the clearest elucidations of the basic truths of Christianity and has helped many people to find faith.
  4. The Language of God by Dr. Francis S. Collins, (MD and PhD), Director of the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) and famous scientist who turned from an atheist to a Christian after studying the wonders of the human gene.
  5. Many books by Dr. Robert H. Schuller.

What profit is there if you gain the whole world and lose eternal life?
What can be compared with the values of eternal life?
—Matthew 16:26, the Living Bible
We’re spiritual beings on an earthly journey. God is reaching His hand to you now. Take it, and you’ll never walk alone into eternity.
Today, if you hear my voice, do not harden your hearts.
—Hebrews 4:7

Don’t gamble on your eternity!


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