
The Declaration of Democracy 民主宣言 - 救香港就是救中国


                  — 开化伪共,恢复文明。救香港就是救中国!

         HK is a civilized land, which is well blessed by British system of Rule of Law that originated from the Great Charter 800 years ago. The Great Charter also inspires the constitution in North America that supports gun rights for security of human rights.    In the civilized land of HK, as one of numerous prominent organizations, HK People's Fellow Union hereby apologize on the ambiguity on the target gang that is to be condemned by the derogatory pronunciation of "Chee-na"(“支那”). The declaration and clarification is as follows.

      香港是一片文明的土地,在大英帝国的法治体系里洗礼多年。此法治文明源于800年前的大宪章,并且激发了北美的宪法,让人民拥有持枪权以捍卫人权。 在这片文明的土地上,作为众多知名的组织之一,对于“支那”贬称的谴责对象模糊不清关注香港的同胞联盟在此表示道歉,并特别做出声明,澄清是非,细节如下。

      As to the controversy on the ambiguous pronunciation of China as "Chee-na" (“支那”)in order to avoid misunderstanding, some points are clarified as below.

      The derogatory pronunciation of "Chee-na" is mainly targeted on the Fake People's Republic of China which is neither a republic, nor respects any legal rights of citizens, but is actually an atheism-dominated dictatorship gang. There are more than one thousand reasons to call the atheism dictatorship regime in mainland China as a land dominated by  "Chee-na" Dictatorship Gang, details of which are presented in the post

      In order to make better clarification, some special points are emphasized once again, as follows.
1)   Public opinion itself constitutes a fundamental element of justice. If a government regime respects justice, it'd surely respect public opinion.
2)   It's clear that the mainstream of public opinion in HK supports Democracy based on a fair and transparent system of direct election, but the atheism dictatorship regime in mainland China always intends to make various obstacles against democracy.
3)   If a government regime has the grace to call themselves as a part of a Republic, it'd surely respect public opinion on Democracy and Justice. So the simplest logic is that a Republic doesn't allow Dictatorship. By emphasis on dictatorship, the atheism party has openly betrayed the principle of democracy, which was well featured in the once ambiguous shape of a Republic before 1949.
一个政权如果有脸自称为是共和国度的一部分,那么,它必定会尊重主流民意所表达的民主正义诉求。所以最简单的逻辑是,共和的国度本来就不允许有独裁专政。过分地强调独裁专政,无神论政党已经公开地背叛了民主原则,也早已背叛了共和国,而这个民主原则曾经在1949年之前的 共和雏形里有过良好表现。
4)   History has repeatedly proved and will continue to prove that all brutal dictators are doomed to failure, since the brutal system of Atheism Dictatorship is not only harmful against public interest, but also perilous against the dictators as well, who in fact live among a dangerous gang, with no sense of security for every body.
      In order to avoid misunderstanding, a public apology can be issued by HK Democratic Organizations in the above aspect, so as to avoid the negative influence caused by the misunderstanding on the derogatory pronunciation of "Chee-na".

      The necessity of this clarification and declaration is itself in compliance with the persistent pursuit on Democracy and Justice.

      There may be many obstacles against direct election, which can effectively curb down the collusion by a puppet HK government and the atheism gang in mainland, China. In view of this, HK Independence will have to be a final option based on public referendum, in order to fight against the atheism dictatorship in China.

      Meanwhile, positive efforts on Democracy and Justice in mainland China are still encouraged, though there are many self-contradictory problems between Atheism Dictatorship and Rule of Law.

      While a public apology is being considered for the misunderstanding by the derogatory pronunciation of "Chee-na", there are some other points on which all Chinese people should be more concerned than the issue of the derogatory pronunciation.

      If some conscience officials in the atheism party have some genuine bona fide faith on Rule of Law, then some legal measures should be taken to punish those shameless atheism officials in mainland China who openly betrayed one China policy.

      Meanwhile, as to the top-rank leaders in the country of China, if they indeed take the country as a People's Republic, not as an Atheism Dictatorship Gang, those top-rank leaders should also apologize for their incapability of leadership, which resulted in the open betrayal of the one-China principle by the atheism dictatorship party itself, the abnormal phenomenon itself is also a shame on Rule of Law, if they have any genuine faith on Rule of Law.
      与此同时,如果中国的一些高级官员确实把这个国家当成是 共和的国度,而不是无神论匪帮专政国,那些高级官员也需要为他们的治国无能、纵容分裂言行而公开进行道歉,因为纵容公开制造分裂的言行本身就是对法治的最大侮辱。只有这样,才可以证明他们对法治的真诚信仰。

      In the final analysis, the spirit of the Magna Carta is consistent with the Confucian morality what is hateful to thyself do not unto thy neighbor.

      Finally, clear warning is sent to those bureaucrats and spies who are in collusion with the atheism gang. Any illegal means by the atheism gang is not only an insult of the new concept of Rule of Law advocated by Xi Jin Ping and Peng Li Yuan in mainland, China, but also an evil attempt to provoke the dignity of all mankind.

      The Magna Carta inspires the constitutional democracy in Britain, the constitutional federation of USA that supports gun rights for protection of human rights. Today, the spirit of the Magna Carta is inspiring all peace-loving people in the world, on persistent pursuit of democracy, fairness and justice, which is also the fundamental pursuit by many HK organizations.


      The bright course of justice shines all over the world!

                   HK People's Fellow Union
                   香港人民同胞联盟 — 关注香港、关注中国

      The above Declaration of Democracy is a draft copy. It may serve as reference for HK Democratic Organizations.


      In mainland China, some leaders sometimes emphasize Rule of Law, while sometimes worship those notorious dictators in history. This self-contradictory phenomenon shows that those top-rank politicians have a speculative mentality on transformation from Atheism Dictatorship to Rule of Law. At the critical stage of transformation, such speculative mentality may be very dangerous against the majority of people.
      In fact, Mr Xi Jin Ping's father Xi Zhong Xun once forbade his descendents from running business by maneuver of political power. If Xi Zhong Xun were still alive, he would not favor a speculative mentality on Rule of Law, but favor a clear-cut decision on Democracy and Justice instead.
假如习仲勋仍然在世,对于法治中国某些人举棋不定、摇摆投机 的心态,习仲勋也不会支持这种左右投机的政客作风,相反,他必然是旗帜鲜明地清除匪帮暴政,追求民主正义。

      The above inspirational ideas come from collective team work. Special thanks are given to the below resources:
1) 青年新政
2) 盛雪女士:不要对伪共抱任何幻想,不要浪费时间;伪共垮台是所有问题的唯一出路,为了促进这个进程,所有反对伪共的力量应当联合
3) 高智晟
4) Spiritual Sovereignty
5) 刘晓波的零八宪章和彭明的民主工程等。



      最后,向所有为了言论自由、信仰自由、民主法治和公平正义而奋斗的人们致以崇高的敬意! 在无数仁人志士的共同努力下,民主香港必将穿透雾霾支那的黑暗,照亮整个中华!

      对于大陆同胞而言,#营救江天勇 也是拯救我们自己!让正义的光明穿透雾霾支那专政区的黑暗,不只是有利于大中华同胞的当前利益,同时攸关华夏民族命运!



邮件联署: 请发送 (江天勇)+(地区)+(姓名) Jianglvshilianshu@gmail.com 

Let's pay highest respect to those who fight for democracy!


3 条评论:

  1. http://vision886.blogspot.ca/2017/01/the-declaration-of-gun-rights.html
    The Declaration of Gun Rights 持枪权宣言,与被迫讨论独立、措辞激烈的民主宣言相比,持枪权宣言更加理性、务实。着力宣扬持枪权,可以避免舆论战、“支那”诉讼圈套之类的僵局,希望港澳台更多人意识到持枪权的重要性,探讨持枪权的人多了,“支那”诉讼圈套就破解了,台湾日裔后代开骂“支那”猪的乱象也会减少,而大陆的习近平的法治“中国”梦也不会变成黄粱梦。

  2. 据说一些信息被一些网络警察盯上了。大陆风声鹤唳,有人似乎企图复辟文革。有捍卫文明的港澳台地区在,全面复辟文革很难成功,虽然地产浮夸风的局部文革到处蔓延。持枪权宣言更加理性、务实,因此探讨宣传的着力点应该调整为持枪权,这份措辞激烈的民主宣言暂时搁置。

  3. 通过“支那”论战的媒体舆论战挫败香港面临的“支那”诉讼陷阱,但事实说明,香港青年思想上没准备好,没有准备公开澄清“支那”专政的斥责对象。可能有其它方式,另外探讨吧。
