
Analysis of Donald Trump's Waterloo

Analysis of Donald Trump's Waterloo

Restoration of American Constitution

Traditional manual calculation to be resumed


Too many coincidences happened together, and it resulted in Donald Trump's failure with the on-going crisis in America.

Before the election on Nov. 03rd, Donald Trump already expressed worries about fraud caused by voting by mail.

As the most powerful president on the planet, and a merchant who's experienced many tough struggles, if Trump got a sixth sense about mail voting frauds to occur, and the frauds could not be stopped due to the opponent's crafty excuse on the danger of coronavirus pandemics, then some special measures should be adopted in advance. 

Since mail voting lowers the efficiency but with higher risks of fraud, then more prudent measures should be applied on the procedures of vote calculating, such as manual verification of each vote being applied, or using manual calculation instead of electronic calculation.


After Nov. 03rd, big disputes occurred. But clear evidences of voting machines errors were obtained.

At that time, if Donald Trump's mind was strong enough, by enforcement of martial laws on the six swing states, demanding a new round of election, strictly based on manual calculation of ballots, there would still be very high probability for Trump to win the election.


It's a pity that Donald Trump didn't grasp the full situation well, since it's not just an election, it's an Unrestricted War, including BioWeapon destruction and Information War.  


The situation further deteriorated.

As the top leader, his mind was not firm enough at the moment of crisis. Over-reliance on his team mate Mike Pence resulted in the contrary, for the vice president's mind might go weaker as well, if the top leader kept speculative attitudes at a serious crisis.


Abraham Lincoln was not so successful as Donald Trump on the aspect of wealth accumulation. But Lincoln resolutely enforced martial laws at crisis with opponent's treasons against the federation.  Some people like to compare Trump with Lincoln. They're leaders with totally different mindsets!


As a clever but speculative merchant, Donald Trump didn't have enough courage to enforce martial laws.  If he clearly and definitely gave up that option in early January, and if he indeed loves America deeply as the slogan shows "Make America Great Again", then in the Capitol Hill speech on Jan. 06th, he might better remind American people that electronic calculation should NOT be used in future election, or referendum on other serious topics such as any new amendment of American constitution especially the most fundamental principle that emphasizes on respect of Gun Rights and Human Rights!


Even at normal seasons without pandemic virus, Taiwan doesn't use electronic calculation, but applies manual calculation on vote counting the most primitive method, with lower efficiency, but much safer against vote fraud!


The Capitol Hill speech mainly reminded people against violence in a big demonstration, but didn't indicate any solution on the future troubles in America.  


Compared with those greatest presidents such as Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln etc., Donald Trump cares about his personal power much more than his motherland a special land with republic system that respects gun rights and human rights.  But the more important point is, compared with other contemporary politicians, or even all the politicians in the past 30 years after the collapse of Soviet Union, Donald Trump's love of America seems to be more genuine than other hypocrites, or at least, he doesn't viciously betray American value on purpose.  


This is the root cause of all the troubles that accumulated in the past dozens of years, and finally triggered an unprecedented crisis in America.


No one is a perfect saint. Timely reflection of the on-going events in history helps people see the situation more clearly. If they indeed love America deeply, while fighting the marathon-style lawsuit, they should be better prepared to see more troubles come on the road ahead. 


At unusual stage of history, high-tech means may accelerate downgrading the civilization to jungle.  To better tackle with the troubles, electronic calculation should be discarded. Traditional manual calculation is to be resumed, in company with resurrection of Puritanism spirit in America.


If Donald Trump indeed keeps his mind strong enough to fight for a new election 4 years later, his mindset should be further enhanced. Clever and speculative mindset may be good at earning money at usual times, but it could cause disastrous hesitance and delays at time of critical crisis that demands resolute and swift action to fight back.


Since it's an Unrestricted War a totally new warfare than traditional wars.

