
Taiwan Redefinition — a key to Trumpism Revolution

The major feature of Trumpism Revolution is a total change of conventional political mentality since the fall of former Soviet Union, by clearly indicating that the atheism regime in mainland, China is the most serious threat against America and the whole civilization of the planet!

Before the coronavirus crisis, Donald Trump in fact mainly cared about the materiel interest, as manifested in many trade negotiations.

After the Covid19 outbreak, Donald Trump gradually realized that an all-around conflict with the atheism gang of the FAKE CCP is inevitable.

Then after the nationwide voters fraud crimes occurred in the 2020 election, besides Donald Trump, the majority of American people began to see how terribly America has been infiltrated by the atheism culture pollution!

During the cold war time, in order to better fight against the former Soviet Union, an ambiguous strategy was adopted by the USA on the definition of China — it's not an important matter whether it'd be represented by Republic of China that respects the modern civilization based on Three Principles Of The People as advocated by Dr. Sun Yat-sen, or by Communism Dictatorship China which boasted itself to be a "People's Republic of China", but in fact tramped upon human rights like ants, and should better be defined as an atheism dictatorship jungle, or at least NOT a republic, as could be seen by more and more people.

It's a special stage of history now. The 2020 Election is a life-or-death battle that concerns the fundamental security issue of America — whether the Constitutional System of America's Liberty can long endure or not!

The Supreme Court rejected the lawsuit launched by Texas state. Marathon style lawsuit is part of the unrestricted warfare.

It requires long term efforts to Make America Great Again. In order to ensure that the bright course not be destroyed by other politicians who stole the election, now it's time to redefine Taiwan, or redefine China, by clearly stating that

Taiwan represents the Republic of China; that America encourages a peaceful reunification of China based on the Three Principles Of The People as represented by Republic of China. The Constitutional Democracy inherited by ROC was also firmly pursued by many Red Noblemen. One prominent example is Xi Zhong Xun, who was the father of Emperor Xi Ji Pin.

A clear clarification on the definition of Taiwan or Republic of China will help protect the fruitful results by many people's efforts under Trump administration in the past few years.

With the clear redefinition done, if the 2020 Election would not be stolen by distorted means, then formal diplomatic relations could be prepared at the next stage. Or even if there are too many obstacles on the way ahead, the clear clarification on Taiwan's representation of the Republic of China can help reduce the corruptive maneuver space by other politicians who tend to betray America secretly.

With the international structure justified, the domestic battle to resume Rule of Law in America will see less obstacles on the road ahead.

2 条评论:

  1. 汉语的意思大体是:
    鉴于德州发起的诉讼都遭到人为排斥,形势非常严峻而复杂,为了确保川普团队在过去四年的奋斗结果不会被其他人轻易推翻,应当抛弃模糊定义中国的战略 — 重新定义台湾或中华民国。

    在第一任期的最后阶段,在超级大国的总统大选都被腐败势力扭曲的时候,为了让川普“重振美国”(Make America Great Again)的战略不会半途而废,应当重新定义中国。建议白宫团队来一个清晰的定义:
    **台湾代表中华民国。美国支持以三民主义为代表的中华民国的两岸统一。三民主义的宪政民主曾经得到很多红一代元老的拥护,其中包括习近平本人的父亲 — 习仲勋先生。**



  2. For the Trump team, the clarification on redefinition of Taiwan or Republic of China is an easy move. But this move will have very big significance, as below:
    1) If the Trump team eventually wins the election lawsuit, then the above clarification can allow Trump to prepare for the formal resumption of diplomacy between the United States and the Republic of China in the second term;
    2) If there're too many obstacles against Trump team in the lengthy process of legal proceedings, then the above clarification can effectively curb down the manipulation space of the excessively corruptive politicians in America. This will in turn win more favorable elements for the Trump team, so as to turn defeat into victory, and defend justice!
