— 开化伪共,恢复文明。救香港就是救中国!
HK is a civilized land, which is well blessed
by British system of Rule of Law
that originated from the Great Charter 800 years ago. The Great Charter also
inspires the constitution in North America that supports gun rights for
security of human rights. In the
civilized land of HK, as one of numerous prominent organizations, HK People's Fellow Union hereby
apologize on the ambiguity on the target gang that is to be condemned by the
derogatory pronunciation of "Chee-na"(“支那”). The declaration and clarification is as follows.
香港是一片文明的土地,在大英帝国的法治体系里洗礼多年。此法治文明源于800年前的大宪章,并且激发了北美的宪法,让人民拥有持枪权以捍卫人权。 在这片文明的土地上,作为众多知名的组织之一,对于“支那”贬称的谴责对象模糊不清,关注香港的同胞联盟在此表示道歉,并特别做出声明,澄清是非,细节如下。