
蜡烛可能被障碍窒息, 但阳光永在

蜡烛可能被障碍窒息, 但阳光永在
Sunlight Is Always There Despite Candles Blocked from Lighting

When query was put forward by some people on the necessity of religious faith, Sir Isaac Newton said that if an extinguishing cover is put on, even candles can't get enlightened.
当有人对信仰的必要提出质疑时, 牛顿说如果障碍窒息挡住光明,就是蜡烛也点不亮。

Though there may be some people who tend to use the theory of atheism to tighten their control of a distorted society for the maximized profit of their interest of dictatorship, darkness will not last long as the sun is always shining in the universe.

Meanwhile, some positive efforts should be done, so that sunlight can penetrate through the darkness of atheism dictatorship at early time. We should inherit Newton's persistent pursuit to keep the right path of glorious faith, as it will benefit both scientific development and the true harmony of a society. 

