
Save Brave Journalists, Save the USA and Europe

Save Brave Journalists, Save the USA and Europe

Before the outbreak of the coronavirus, people in the USA and Europe can only feel the threatening expansion of the atheism virus, disguised as commercial conflicts; but now all people see clearly the danger of the coronavirus, which now runs out of control due to brute oppression of journalism!

So To Save those Brave Journalists, is to Save the USA and the Europe! It's imperative for people from both the East and the West to act together, to save the modern civilization!

The heroic story of two brave journalists is as follows:
CHEN Qiushi is an independent reporter in China, and FANG Bin is a Wuhan citizen. They published a few videos on WeChat, a popular messaging app among Chinese people, showing what was really happening in Wuhan under the current coronavirus epidemic. Their audience and family members have lost contact with them for a couple of days now. XU Xiaodong, a famous MMA fighter of China stated in a YouTube video that they are under the custody of local authorities with the excuse of “quarantine”. Based on the Chinese government’s notoriety, local officials may claim them as dead from the virus, in spite of the many reports of survival with medical intervention. If you sign the petition, we will request Congress members and legislators to take action, and we will save these innocent people.

实是中国的独立记者,方斌是武汉市民。 他们在微信上发布了一些视频,微信是在中国民众中最受欢迎的消息传递应用,展示了在当前冠状病毒大流行的局面下,武汉市的实际情况。 但是,他们的听众和家人已经好几天无法联系上他们了。 中国著名的MMA格斗手徐晓东在YouTube视频中表示,他们被地方当局以“防疫隔离”为理由而强制拘留。尽管有许多报道说通过及时的医疗救助,被隔离的人们可以存活下来,但是,对照那些人臭名昭著的历史记录,当地官员仍可能声称他们死于该病毒。请在白宫请愿书上签名,大家一起要求国会议员和立法委员们采取行动,拯救无辜蒙受冤难的正义人士。

1 条评论:

  1. https://vision886.blogspot.com/2020/02/about-white-house-petition.html
